Saturday 15 February 2014

Mind Map

If we dig a little deeper...


With this mind map, we can see how there are so many ways you can break down the big idea of "Transformations" into a wide variety of subcategories.  Not only are transformations seen in gardens, but in insects, the natural elements, in the kitchen, with humans, animals, and everywhere we look in nature.  Within each of these subcategories are further subcategories, and within those there are even FURTHER subcategories that all tie in to the idea of Transformations!

Through this mind map, we can see how underneath our surface "ideas" of what children may be interested in (such as kittens, snow, ghosts, etc.) is the underlying concept that truly fascinates them.  So no matter what the children in our care seem interested in, it is important that we challenge ourselves to dig even deeper so that we can even further extend their learning through their true interests.

Here's the mind map again, but a little bit bigger to see it more easily:

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